Importance of planning in software development (and in everything)One of the biggest problems I have seen in my entire career are those nights of being working until sunrise because the release will be in…Apr 13, 2023Apr 13, 2023
Be a developer, not just a programmerSoftware development is a beautiful work, it’s an art, it’s a science, the possibility of resolving a problem or need creating an automated…Nov 19, 2022Nov 19, 2022
Stay updatedI look to the past, 9 or 10 years ago and I remember when I had the opportunity of working with developers with a lot of experience…Oct 8, 2022Oct 8, 2022
La normalización de la explotación laboralHace unos días salió a la luz el resultado de un estudio en el que se evidencia lo que desde hace tiempo sabemos, el pésimo equilibrio…May 23, 2022May 23, 2022
Professional life vs personal lifeThroughout my entire career, I have heard that professional life and personal life have to be separated, and in a general way, it’s true…Apr 6, 2022Apr 6, 2022
Becoming a developerDuring the last years, software development has became in a very popular profession, the possibility of having a cellphone, a tablet, a…Nov 8, 2021Nov 8, 2021
Working from home is really bad?During the last year, a lot of companies across the world have changed their way of working, the pandemic led the companies to prioritize…Aug 18, 2021Aug 18, 2021
Ser un programadorEn los últimos años se ha puesto de moda ser programador, y no es para menos, el mundo está cambiando a un paso muy acelerado, y como…Mar 13, 2021Mar 13, 2021
Things we should have learnt with pandemicWe cannot denny no one of us imagined a scenario like we are currently living, we all lived like if everything would be the same, one day…Jan 26, 2021Jan 26, 2021
¿Compromiso o explotación?Son las 6 de la tarde, llegó tu hora de salida, ha sido una jornada complicada y estás ansioso de que den las 8 de la noche, estás…Nov 2, 2019Nov 2, 2019